


   Leedo had chewed himself raw!


Would you let your dogs skin get this bad??  Near as we can tell, Leedo had a flea bite allergy that went untreated for 2 years, while he continued to live outside with the fleas.  He also had hookworms and a resulting anemia.  Removed from police service for a lack of aggressiveness and tenacity, this poor boy was placed with a breeder.  He was rescued from life in a kennel cage by a civilian who just wasn't able to deal with his many health problems.  Faced with the probability of having to euthanize Leedo, she instead turned him over to us.  After just 2 weeks in foster care, the improvements were dramatic.  Leedo was playing with the rest of the pack in his foster home, and had won the hearts of everyone who knew him.  His skin was healing, and he was even beginning to grow back his hair!!  Unfortunately, those years of neglect had taken their toll, and Leedo died suddenly of heart failure while under a veterinarians care after  only 6 weeks with us.  This wonderful dog wanted nothing more than someone to love him and take care of him.  He received that, and more, in his final weeks.